Below you can travel through the orbits of A Lunar Perspective to explore the project in more depth - through my reflections, tests and experiments, travels out to the sea and some of the things, texts and people I have encountered

moon landing         

negotiations of power / projections of power         

different expressions of nationalism         

policing the border         

lunar house and the performance / practice of the border


the materiality of lunar house as a site of border performance         

my position in relation to lunar house         

etymologies from naming of lunar house         

metaphors of space travel from naming of lunar house         

politics of space travel         

imagining / imaging earth from space         

an inverted astronomy         



using the view from above to distance         

google earth’s eye        


imaging as a tool of control         

forms of control over the earth

my relationship to control         

my position in relation to the border         

exploring the border through interfaces of text and image       

legislation conjuring the border into being         

the border as a geographic body        

the border as sea


the edge where earth touches ocean         

my body in relation to the sea / geographic border         

the amorphous body of the sea         

the sea as a border confounding attempts at fixity         

the physical reality of the waves

the material of the geographic border where sea meets earth         

lunar house and its materials          

the geographic body of the sea and lunar house as constructions of the border

the verticality of lunar house

my body in relation to the geographic border         

other bodies in relation to the water / sea        

reducing people into numbers at sea         

the dispossession of people at sea        

strategic use of the sea as a border

the sea / language as a defence         

use of numbers as a tool of distancing          

othering through language         

language constructing illegality         

language constructing the border         

language as a place of struggle         

the uk’s hostile environment       

the permeation of the border       

the human scale of the border

the people / human scale within lunar house       

materiality of lunar house        

the position of looking down as a position of power        

power and fragility         

the nation as imagined        

the nation / home / territory as always shifting and in process        

processes of bordering         

hostility and hospitality       

the ambiguity of the border obscured by a line on a map


the imagined image from above         


looking out at the moon         

understanding ourselves through our imagined reflection