( photograph by Henrietta Williams )( photograph by Henrietta Williams )

In October 2019, I performed A Lunar Perspectivein the North Observatory in UCL, London, in 6 orbits to 6 groups of people.

In this, now disused, observatory space, images of the surface of the moon and earth traced the walls and ceilings as I performed an intimate reading of A Lunar Perspective, shifting scales between the words, the body, the land and the moon.

The performance was accompanied by a pop-up library of the texts woven within the research and piece.

( photograph by David Roberts ) ( photograph by David Roberts)

In July 2021, I performed A Lunar Perspective as part of the Cartographies of the Imagination festival at OmVed Gardens, Highgate.

The festival was curated by Kirsty Badenoch and Sayan Skandarajah, and held an exhibition where A Lunar Perspective was exhibited alongside other works exploring alternative modes of mapping. I performed a reading of A Lunar Perspective within the gardens as part of the forum - a day of presentations and performances within the context of the exhibition.